Tuesday, September 18, 2007

September Poll: Eating As A Family

My husband's work schedule allows us to eat as a family most nights. It's a luxury I know a lot of families don't have. Even if he's going to be late, I feed the kids, and then he and I sit down together to eat, or we all sit at the table and catch up while he enjoys his meal.

Once school starts back up and kids get involved in clubs and sports, it can be hard to sit down all together and have a meal.

Share with us. How often do you eat together? What are some of your tips for fitting in that special family time?

Leave us a comment, and of course, look for a poll round up at the end of the month!


Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...

We eat dinner together every night. Since DH's schedule is such that he can't always be with us b/c of travel, the kids & I still do. We also eat lunches & breakfasts together. When DH leaves to get on a plane at dinner time, I fix a big lunch as our "dinner" for the day, so we still get to enjoy a nice meal together before he leaves.

Lisa said...

I love the family dinner. The kids and I eat together most nights. If my hubby can be home, we all eat together, but he has a long commute and we never know when he will show. I just had one enter high school, though, and you never know with sports what will change. The goal is to eat together as much as possible.

Lisa said...

I tried to vote on the poll, but it's not accepting me. :(

Anonymous said...

We will have Daddy on speakerphone if he can't be with us. Sometimes we will have a quick snack dinner with finger foods to eat quickly and more relaxed. Otherwise we always have family night on Friday and work very hard at making sure we don't book anything that night.

For anyone that wants to share their ideas I would love to hear them on my blog as it's women coming together to share their tips at living a real world life.


Erin said...

Even when Collin refuses to eat his dinner, we still make him sit at the table with us while we eat. Its the one thing I insist on doing as a family as much as we possibly can.